Embryo (Egg) Freezing & Sperm Freezing in Turkey

Egg & Sperm Freezing in Turkey

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Embryo Freezing, also known as Egg Freezing, has revolutionized the field of reproductive medicine, offering women the opportunity to preserve their fertility for the future. Turkey, a rising star in the world of medical tourism, has emerged as a sought-after destination for this procedure. In this extensive guide, we will delve into every aspect of Embryo Freezing in Turkey, from the procedure itself to costs, statistics, and safety precautions.

The Embryo Freezing Procedure in Turkey

Procedure Overview
Embryo Freezing, or Egg Freezing, involves the retrieval and freezing of a woman’s eggs for future use. The procedure typically begins with hormonal stimulation, where the patient undergoes a series of injections to stimulate egg production. This process usually takes 10 to 14 days.

Once the eggs have matured, a minor surgical procedure known as egg retrieval is performed under anesthesia. During this procedure, a specialized needle is used to extract the eggs from the ovaries. The retrieved eggs are then cryopreserved through a process called vitrification, which ensures their long-term preservation.

Required Tests and Pre-Procedure Preparations

Before undergoing Embryo Freezing, patients are required to undergo a series of tests to assess their overall health and fertility. These tests often include:

  1. Hormone Levels: A blood test to measure hormone levels, including FSH, LH, and estradiol, to evaluate ovarian function.
  2. Ultrasound: An ultrasound scan to assess the condition of the ovaries and uterus.
  3. Infectious Disease Screening: Testing for infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C to ensure the safety of the procedure.
  4. Genetic Screening: Genetic counseling and testing to identify any hereditary conditions that may affect fertility.
  5. Medical Evaluation: A thorough medical evaluation to identify any underlying health issues that might impact the procedure.

In most cases, reputable clinics in Turkey offer these tests as part of their comprehensive packages. If not included, these tests can be conducted at affordable rates within the country.

Ideal Timing for Embryo Freezing

Determining the ideal timing for Embryo Freezing is a crucial consideration for women contemplating this procedure. The decision often revolves around individual circumstances, life goals, and health status. Here are some key factors to consider:

Age Matters

Age is a significant factor in the success of Embryo Freezing. Women are born with a finite number of eggs, and the quality and quantity of these eggs decline with age. Therefore, the younger a woman is when she freezes her eggs, the better the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy in the future.

– Early 20s to Early 30s: Women in their early 20s to early 30s often have the highest egg quality and quantity. Freezing eggs during this period provides the best chances for future success.

– Late 30s to Early 40s: As women enter their late 30s and early 40s, the quality and quantity of eggs decline significantly. While Embryo Freezing is still an option, the success rates decrease with age.

Personal and Career Goals

Many women choose to freeze their eggs to align family planning with their personal and career goals. For those who want to focus on their careers, education, or other personal pursuits before starting a family, Egg Freezing can provide peace of mind and flexibility.

Medical Reasons

Some women may face medical conditions or treatments that can impact their fertility. In cases of cancer or other illnesses that require aggressive treatments like chemotherapy, freezing eggs before treatment can preserve fertility.

Relationship Status

Relationship status can also influence the timing of Embryo Freezing. Women who are not in a committed relationship but wish to have children in the future may choose to freeze their eggs to extend their fertility window.

Side Effects, Risks, and Benefits

Side Effects

Embryo Freezing, like any medical procedure, may have some side effects, including:

– Mild discomfort or bloating after the egg retrieval procedure.

– Rarely, infection or bleeding at the retrieval site.

– Side effects from hormonal medications, such as mood swings or hot flashes.


While Embryo Freezing is considered safe, there are some associated risks, such as:

– A slight risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in some cases.

– A low risk of complications during the egg retrieval procedure.


The benefits of Embryo Freezing in Turkey are significant:

– Empowers women to take control of their fertility.

– Preserves fertility for medical or personal reasons.

– Provides peace of mind and flexibility in family planning.

Success Rates and Sperm Freezing

Success Rates

The success of using frozen embryos for IVF varies depending on several factors, including the woman’s age at the time of freezing and the quality of the embryos. On average, success rates range from 30% to 50%. Turkish clinics have been known for their high success rates in IVF procedures, which bodes well for those using frozen embryos.

Sperm Freezing

In addition to Embryo Freezing, many clinics in Turkey also offer Sperm Freezing services. This allows men to preserve their sperm for future use, providing a viable option for couples facing fertility challenges.

Cost Comparison

When considering Embryo Freezing, cost is a crucial factor. Turkey stands out as an affordable destination for this procedure compared to countries like the US, UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Ukraine, Qatar, Russia, and Dubai. Let’s take a closer look at the average costs for Embryo Freezing in these countries:

– United States: The average cost for Embryo Freezing in the US can range from $7,000 to $15,000.

– United Kingdom: In the UK, the average cost typically falls between £2,500 to £5,000.

– Ireland: Embryo Freezing in Ireland may cost between €3,000 to €6,000.

– Germany: The average cost in Germany ranges from €3,000 to €6,000.

– France: In France, you can expect to pay around €3,000 to €6,000 for Embryo Freezing.

– Ukraine: The average cost in Ukraine is approximately $2,000 to $4,000.

– Qatar: Embryo Freezing in Qatar may cost between $7,000 to $12,000.

– Russia: The average cost in Russia ranges from $2,000 to $5,000.

– Dubai: In Dubai, the cost can vary but typically falls between $5,000 to $10,000.

– Turkey: Turkey offers a cost-effective alternative, with the average price for Embryo Freezing ranging from $2,500 to $5,000.

Safety First: Choose Trusted Clinics

Before finalizing your decision, it is essential to emphasize the importance of selecting a reputable and fully licensed clinic for Embryo Freezing. HealthHop, your trusted medical tourism partner, ensures that all the clinics we work with meet international standards for safety and quality. We understand the significance of your decision and are committed to connecting you with the best and most reliable healthcare providers in Turkey.

Embarking on the journey of Embryo Freezing is a significant step towards securing your reproductive future. With the guidance of HealthHop, you can proceed with confidence, knowing that your family planning is in expert hands. Take the first step towards preserving your fertility – contact HealthHop today to explore your options for Embryo Freezing in Turkey.

Book your Embryo Freezing procedure with HealthHop and take control of your fertility journey. Your future starts here.
